02 4285 4799


These are the areas of Education that children of all ages will experience throughout their time at Coolgardie Children's Centre.

Social-Emotional Learning

  • Learning how to work with and alongside others in small and large groups

  • Building self-awareness and co-operation · Learning about sharing, caring and empathy

  • Developing conflict resolution skills and the ability to play co-operatively

  • Social skills to make friends, including sharing and listening

Language and Literacy

  • Developing language and literacy skills through storytelling and word play

  • Learning how to understand narrative and develop word recognition and vocabulary through listening to and creating their own stories

  • Communication skills and confidence


  • Using numbers to understand the concepts of time, dates, money and measurements

  • Sorting objects by size, colour, shape and recognising patterns

  • Using puzzles and counting games

Science and Technology

  • Investigating how the world works through games and activities

  • Growing gardens, caring for animals, learning to respect and care for things