02 4285 4799


These are the areas of Education that children in our Transition to School program will experience at Coolgardie Children's Centre.

Social-Emotional and Self-Help Skills

  • Dressing and undressing self

  • Packing your own bag; identifying, caring for and finding your own belongings

  • Self-care skills, for example taking themselves to a quite area to relax when tired

  • Ability to toilet self; including flush toilet and wash hands

  • Self-Regulation skills: Identifying feelings and how to express them in a healthy way, as well as develop empathy towards others

  • Asking for help from educators

  • Communicating their needs to others verbally

  • Communicating to others through body language and non-verbal communication

  • Being a friend to others

  • Following instructions (lining up, hands-up, waiting your turn)

  • Kindness & Manners

Literacy and S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Skills

  • Name recognition

  • Name writing including developing the ability to hold a pencil or other drawing materials

  • Item/Belonging recognition

  • Phonics recognition - the sound of a letter

  • Reading a variety of texts including picture books

  • Sequencing - start, middle and end of an action or story

  • Letter and numeral recognition (alphabet and numbers 1 - 10 or higher)

  • Identifying environmental print for example signs, labels, and logos.

  • Science and Engineering: Caring for the environment and animals, gardening, investigating the world around them and how it works

  • Mathematics: concepts of counting, measurement, shapes, colours, sorting/categorising, patterns

Primary School Skills - “What will be different at big school”

  • Instilling a love, excitement and enthusiasm for primary school and furthering their learning

  • Fundamental movement skills like climbing, running, jumping, skipping and other physical activities help to develop balance, hand-eye co-ordination and concentration via playing school games (i.e., handball, chasing games, soccer)

  • Canteen/lunch orders - this is done towards the end of the year

  • Boys/Girls toilets - asking to go to the toilet

  • School-focused dramatic play - school uniforms, school bags, keyboards

  • Transition to school statement is written in November and passed onto your child’s primary school